A pleasurable and good conversation can’t happen until it starts with greetings! Whether we go on a first date, write a blog, or start a book and start a conversation with someone, starting with greeting messages helps us express our feelings, grab attention, and build strong bonds with each other.
By using an inspirational WhatsApp Business greeting message, you can make the best first impression on your customers, as it can make or break a conversation.
These conversations spice up a support system so users can convert straight into leads or sales!
This guide covers everything you need to know about WhatsApp Business greeting messages, including examples and instructions.
So let’s get started!
Simply put, a WhatsApp Business greeting message is a welcome message, an automated response sent when somebody starts a conversation with your business on WhatsApp for the first time.
It’s not a big thing, but it plays a vital role in an effective WhatsApp messaging strategy. Setting up greeting messages assures the customer that you have their attention and can build a strong connection between your brand and users.
It also makes a positive first impression, introduces your business to visitors, keeps them engaged, and sets expectations for your interaction.
The first impression matters the most! The greeting message is the first conversion stage, so it should be polite, inspirational, and contain welcoming sentences.
Let’s know why it’s most impact.
Remember, the customer is the king of the market, and they need to be treated that way. When customers open your business profile, keep them greeted with a friendly smile and a welcoming gesture so they can feel valued and satisfied.
Welcoming potential customers with greeting messages on WhatsApp Business is just the cherry on the cake. Discover why your business must go through this step below for positive impacts.
Make an excellent first impression: That feeling is different when you meet someone and they’re straightforward and friendly. That’s the feeling a greeting message creates. It helps customers feel like they’ve come to the right place. Well-crafted greeting messages help grab customer attention and set the tone for the conversation.
Add a human touch: The conversational tone should be professional and feel like the real person is sending the message. Moreover, personalizing your greetings, like “Hello Smith! Thanks for reaching out; how can we help you?” makes customers realize how important they are to the brand.
Set clear expectations: Using a greeting message, you can inform users when they expect a response from the support team or know expected response times, so they don’t get frustrated.
Immediate acknowledgment of inquiry: If you’re unavailable to respond immediately, don’t worry. Automated WhatsApp Business greeting messages let customers know that the support team has received their message and will assist them shortly.
Improve customer experience: Responding directly to customers' “Hello” messages and lowering response time using greeting messages can elevate their experience with your brand.
Guide customers through the next steps: - As we already described earlier, a well-crafted greeting message inspires customers to take the next step. It provides information on what to expect next.
Win more loyalty: Providing high-quality support and regular engagement with customers is an essential marketing strategy for every business. A welcome message can contribute to making them feel special and building brand loyalty.
Both are automated messages sent to customers who initiate contact with your business and are used for different situations.
Let’s assume them in both offline and digital ways:
Greeting Message: It works as a staff member who is always ready to greet customers as soon as they enter the store. On WhatsApp Business, a greeting message welcomes users when they first message you, setting a positive tone from the start.
Away Message: It works as a signboard instructing users that you’re unavailable to provide services or support. On WhatsApp Business, if someone messages you outside your business hours or when you’re unavailable, the away message lets them know you’re currently not around or outside the office area but will get back to them soon.
In short terms, the greeting message is used to welcome new customers, while the away message is used to keep customers informed when you’re not immediately available. Both help manage customer expectations and provide a seamless communication experience.
Not much, but setting up greeting messages for WhatsApp Business can positively impact business growth. Here are some, including
Drive more engagement: WhatsApp Business is all about converting visitors into lifetime customers through message communication. Starting with greeting messages can help businesses effectively engage and assist customers, resulting in more satisfying interactions.
Boost satisfaction rate: Whether you answer incoming questions on WhatsApp directly or not, you should make sure that your customers leave the chat satisfied. Setting clear expectations and leading users to the right path can boost customer satisfaction rates.
Streamline support system: Using automated greeting messages, businesses can save time, money, and effort by streamlining their communication and team performance with an automated messaging workflow and auto-responding to the user’s first message.
Sustain productivity and branding: Are you having difficulty managing or replying to all support inquiries? Sending automated introductory messages on WhatsApp can introduce users to your brand or product. It can free up staff to focus on more complex customer issues and improve overall productivity, leading to increased brand value.
Sending well-crafted greeting messages for WhatsApp Business depends on the situation, specific needs, and objectives. It also varies depending on what industry you’re operating in as well as your audience.
Look at some of the excellent examples of greeting messages that make your job easier to greet and welcome customers on WhatsApp.
For businesses, 99% of their incoming WhatsApp feed probably consists of customer inquiries, and answering their general inquiries will showcase that your business cares about them and improve their experience.
“Welcome to [business name]. How may we help you?”
“Thanks for your message [customer name]! We’ll get back to you within a few minutes, till that time please explore more services”
“Hello! We're glad you reached out. Please share your concerns with us and we'll get back to you during business hours.”
When a potential customer first sends a message to your business, it’s essential to reply with greetings and a warm welcome. They should be treated like friends, so keep the tone personalized and professional.
“Hello [customer name], thank you for showing your interest in our business! We're thrilled to have you as a new member of our family. Feel free to ask your queries”
“Hi [Customer Name], we welcome you to the [Business Name] family! We’ll assist you a few times. Meanwhile, please type MORE in reply to see our catalog of [products/services]”
“Yahoo [Customer Name] welcome to our biggest community! Let us know what you’re looking for and what can we do for you.”
Business is more than just attracting new customers, selling them a product, and growing revenue. Customers value and buy from those businesses that provide them with high-quality support and always stay caught up after sales.
Therefore, sending a welcome message to customers on WhatsApp should be clear and transparent to avoid confusion, which leads to trust and more efficiency in the support system.
Here are some examples:
“Hello, there! We've received your query. One of our team members will get back to you within the next 24 hours. Please stay in touch with us.”
“Thanks [customer name] for messaging us! If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to drop us a message. We're here to help you every step of the way”
“Hello and welcome [customer name]! We're excited to have you here. If you need any help or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're dedicated to ensuring you have a great experience with our service"
Issues can occur at any time, and customers can ask for immediate assistance, but this is not possible on national or international festivals or religious holidays. So it’s important to create and send personalized greeting messages.
Moreover, when festivals or special occasions arrive and you send wishes messages to your contacts, you make them feel more connected and engaged with your brand.
“Wishing you a Happy Diwali [user name]! Due to the holiday season, [Business name] is overwhelmed with orders! We will get back to you shortly.”
“Hi [Customer Name]. Merry Christmas! Thanks for showing your interest in our business, our team will get back to you within 5 minutes.”
“Hey [Customer Name], Happy New Year 2024! May all your wishes come true. May you achieve all your goals and aspirations this year. Please stay connected with us, our team will guide you further.”
"Hey [Customer Name]. Welcome to the big black-friday sale! To celebrate this special day, we're offering a 25% discount on all of our products. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us and we'll get back to you within an hour.” Click here for Top 8 Invitation message for Event.
These messages can be used as introductory messages on WhatsApp or to welcome new customers. They should consist of a brief introduction of what your business does and what it offers.
Hi there! Welcome to [company name]. An Online clothing brand, here to answer any questions you may have and help you find what you're looking for.
Hello and welcome [customer name]. We’re thrilled to chat with you about our product and services. Let us know how we can assist you today
Greetings [customer name], we're so glad to have you as our ideal customer! We're committed to providing you with top-notch service and look forward to building a great relationship ahead.
When a customer sends a message for support but business hours are over and no one in the office can answer incoming WhatsApp messages, out-of-office or away messages are used to inform customers that you're currently unavailable to respond. They must be respectful, clear, and concise.
“Thanks [user name] for reaching out! We're currently away from our desk but our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Till you can visit our help center.”
Hi there, We're currently closed but don't worry, we'll get back to you tomorrow. In the meantime, feel free to check out our FAQ section for answers to common questions.
“Welcome back [user name] for reaching out! We're currently not available to answer you but will try to reach out as soon as possible. Till explore our more services or read latest guides.”
“Thank you for your message we're unavailable right now but will respond as soon as possible”
Here are some best practices that you should follow to craft effective greeting messages for the WhatsApp Business channel.
Messages are all about how beautifully you present your content, so it is essential to keep the message short and straight to the point.
Reducing jargon and unnecessary content from your message makes it readable and attractive so that users understand the point easily.
Greeting messages should be written in a friendly and approachable tone that aligns with your brand's voice. It is used to welcome or greet your prospects or customers, so mentioning promotional words could negatively impact the user's mindset.
Never make it overcomplicated; just add what users want!
If you are not available to answer the message, set an auto-away message, and be transparent about what you offer and your support system. This step will help you maintain good communication during support and sales on WhatsApp.
If you have a large-scale or enterprise business and face thousands of inquiries per day, using the WhatsApp automation tool could be helpful for you.
WhatsApp message templates are pre-defined messages that businesses can use to communicate with their customers using its official API. You can easily customize these templates according to your needs and conversion rate.
And don’t forget to mention interactive greeting messages with quick reply buttons to boost your customer engagement.
Want to send greeting messages with the WhatsApp Business app? The process is straightforward.
Open the WhatsApp Business app & click the three dots on the top right of the app screen.
Tap on Business tools > Greeting message.
Enable the 'Send greeting message.'
Tap 'Greeting message', edit your message tap 'OK' to save the message
Select 'Recipients' you want to send a message and then select from the options available:
Everyone (send to everyone who messages you)
Everyone not in the address book (send to customers who aren't in your address book)
Everyone except (send to all customers except those you select)
Only send to (send only to select customers)
Remember greeting messages will be sent to recipients who message your business during business hours or after 14 days of inactivity.
For eCommerce businesses, especially those whose businesses run on Shopify, WhatsApp can be an extremely high-converting marketing channel.
A greeting or welcome message is the first reply customers receive when they start a conversation on WhatsApp. If you're looking for a way to streamline and elevate your customer communication, make a strong first impression, set the right conversational tone, and regularly nurture them, give Chatix a try.
With Chatix.app, you can make WhatsApp the best customer engagement channel. It provides advanced features like automated messaging workflow, sending bulk messages, abandoned cart recovery, and more.
The WhatsApp Business greeting message feature is easily accessible for everyone, and if it is not working, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue, including
Manually applying changes to settings
Check the internet connection.
Check the app version.
Contact the support system.
Well, there is no character limit in WhatsApp Business greeting messages, but that doesn’t mean you can write long essays. The message should be short, simple, and concise. A length of around 150–200 characters is often recommended for readability.
Absolutely yes. There are no restrictions on using the ready-made template to send greeting message for WhatsApp Business. You can create your content tool.
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